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java keystore alias case sensitive

java keystore alias case sensitive

java keystore alias case sensitive. smp.keystore.path The classpath - relative to the project - where the Java key store (of type JKS) with the used to access the key store. smp.keystore.key.alias The alias of the key within the key store. Is case sensitive and may not be empty. Does ACB/OBM uses the original keystore file to connect to OBS using HTTPS the most common mistake when making your own keystore is not calling the alias tomcat Maybe keystoreType PKCS12 needs to be case-sensitive. have exactly the same format and the java keytool did not complain. Each certificate in a Java keystore is associated with a unique alias. When creating a Java The alias can be anything, and is case-insensitive. To create a new keystore with keytool, you may need to add the java /bin/ keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root � file RootCertFileName.crt -keystore domain.keystore Keep in mind that all Connector arguments are case sensitive This is installed in /SiteScope/java/bin directory. C yourCountryCode -alias yourAlias -keypass keypass -keystore . variable are case-insensitive but they are order sensitive although you do not have to include all  How to sign a Java applet with self-signed certificate or trusted certificate. keytool -genkey -alias alias -keystore -keypass -dname -storepass Note that alias is case-insensitive.

Aliases are case-insensitive the aliases Hugo and hugo would refer to the same keystore The KeyStore class provided in the package supplies 

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